About CCPA…

Collierville Citizens Police Association’s mission is to support the Collierville Police Department’s community programs and outreach, officer needs and training resources, as an all-volunteer, community-based non-profit organization. As graduates of the Citizens Police Academy (CPA), we are ambassadors for the Collierville Police Department (CPD) within the community, communicating CPD concerns, challenges and needs that may exist beyond the general budget. We strive to increase positive interaction between citizens and our local police department by supporting providing opportunities for volunteering and partnering to meet mutual interests.

Members are alumni of the Citizen Police Academy (CPA) and support the Collierville Police Department (CPD) in its relationship with area businesses and citizens. Members assist with the CPA classes and support police participation in community events, officer needs, and training programs. Past support projects include;

CCPA Supported Programs

Annual Programs…

Past Programs…

CCPA Board Of Directors

Ms. Ruth Jones


Mr. Gregory Frazier

Vice President

Ms. Penny Moore


Ms. Julia Berry


Ms. Lee Race

Board Member

Ms. Leanne York

Board Member

Ms. Jennifer Bennett

Board Member

Mr. Scott Tucker

Board Member

Mr. Jason Lederfine

Board Member

Ms. April Simpson

Board Member

Mr. Tim Netherton

Board Member